Despite the court order of keeping the investigation & findings private, the US parliament has seized all private documents including emails related to data sharing from Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
The news is out that the evidence proving Facebook as guilty in the Cambridge Analytica Scandal will be presented before the Senate early next month.
Damian Collins, the chairman of the Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS) Committee is the man who leaked the incident to the world via BBC last week.
He added that the info was highly relevant to the inquiry and so was procured from an American software executive Ted Cramer who visited London early this year. However, he denied news that it will be disclosed to the world early next month, but added that the committee will soon take the decision on it.
Ted Kramer is the founder of Six4Three Company who is currently fighting a lawsuit with Facebook on this issue.
Last week a member of staff from the office of Sergeant at Arms Kamal El-Hajji was dispatched to the hotel where Kramer was residing to seize the documents pertaining to the Cambridge Scandal were data of more than 87 million American Facebook users to influence the US 2016 Polls.
Zuckerberg’s company might have to pay a hefty fine as the company head has proved guilty in May 2018 before the senate-regarding his firm’s involvement in influencing the minds of US populace in 2016 US Elections.
Some media sources report that the scandal has made a big dent on the financial earnings of the company since the scandal’s exposed; as its estimated that the social media giant lost $100 billion in monetary value since then. Adding to this is a campaign running on Twitter which asks Facebook users to delete their respective accounts to avoid any data privacy embarrassment further in future.