Can you believe that an unverified cyber threat has forced the Quebec government to shut over 4000 of its websites, all as a preventive measure to avoid extreme cyber troubles?
This has happened in practical and was confirmed by Eric Caire, Quebec’s Digital Transformation Minister at a media briefing on Monday.
Going deep into the announcement, it’s claimed that Quebec’s provincial government of Canada reacted because of an alert issued by its intelligence on Friday last week.
The announcement stressed on the fact that the shutdown of websites was a collective decision made by all government leaders in order to prevent any kind of cyber attacks on government infrastructure.
“No one was aware of which websites were being targeted, so we shut all of them at once till this weekend,” said Mr. Caire.
Later, it was revealed in an investigation that the hackers, most probably backed by some state funded intelligence, were eyeing to exploit a vulnerability on Apache software products that were being used on online services used by the government agencies.
Anita Anand, the Defense Minister assured that currently there was no impact of this cyber threat on the Provincial Vaccine Passport System, as it doesn’t operate on Apache software.
Canadian Center for Cyber Security(CCCS) has issued an alert that govt organizations should pay extreme attention to the critical internet flaw that could put organizations in jeopardy across the globe.
Note- On December 2nd,2021, Governor- General issued a public statement that an unauthorized intrusion was observed on its computer network. And based on a recommendation made by CCCS, appropriate measures to strengthen the network were taken in parallel to a detailed probe.