Artificial Intelligence to help communicate with animals

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Scientists at the University of Copenhagen research institute have developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm that can help communicate with animals in the future. Currently, AI algorithms are being used on pigs to decode their emotions and researchers claim that they have achieved 60% of success in translating positive & negative emotions hidden in pig grunts.

Cybersecurity Insiders has learned that an algorithm induced with 7,414 recordings of pig calls from over 411 pigs was analyzed and will be used further to improve the mental health of swine.

Apparently, the breakthrough can also pave the way to a new world where humans could communicate with animals and that can lead to an ecosystem where every living being receives equal respect in this supernatural power-driven world.

Now, comes the big surprise!

In the next few months, a machine language will be developed in such a way that farmers indulged in pig farming will communicate with their swine, cutting down unnecessary chaos between animals and humans in large farms and slaughterhouses.

What if a slaughter house pig/bull plead for a mercy petition?

Then what will happen to countries like Canada, Australia, and United States that depend a lot on meat and related products to quench their daily food needs?

Well, all we can do now is to wait and watch!

Mind you, learning about the emotions of animals might prove as a big breakthrough for our humankind. But what if we tap and fall for their emotions? It can lead to the end of the world…..isn’t it?

Note- Tesla chief Elon Musk has already predicted doomsday for our entire humanity with the usage of AI and, as per his understanding, it will come in the next 40-50 years, as who knows machines can take control of our future!

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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