Cybersecurity- Insiders

CompTIA offers certification to evaluate Cyber Threats detecting skills

The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) is offering a certification to people who want to make a career in the industry of Cyber Security....
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Beginner’s Guide to Open Source Incident Response Tools and Resources

This post was originally published here by James Fritz. Any discussion of incident response deserves a close look at the tools that you’ll need for...
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Planning for an InfoSec Conference

This post was originally published here by Javvad Malik. I wasted many an early year going to InfoSec conferences and security events only to find them...
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Ransomware exploded due to Bitcoin usage

Ransomware which can be considered as the biggest cyber threats to the digital world is said to have exploded in the past couple of...
Cybersecurity- Insiders

PDoS and TDoS touted as next generation of Cyber Attacks

The year 2016 proved as a landmark year for cyber landscape, as sophisticated cyber threats evolved at an alarming rate. But security experts from...
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Cyber Attacks on Connected Cars will increase says Kaspersky

Kaspersky has warned the owners and riders of all connected and autonomous cars that the said transport mediums are extremely vulnerable to cyber attacks....
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Cyber Attack on France Presidential Candidate Macron

France has alleged Russia for cyber attacking presidential probable Emmanuel Macron to put down his winning stance in the upcoming elections. Macron who is...
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Apple acquires mobile security firm to boost its iPhone 8 build

Apple has acquired an Israeli Facial Recognition startup named RealFace to boost the mobile security feature in its upcoming iPhone 8. RealFace is a...
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Why Target the Application Layer

This post was originally published here by MIKE MILNER. When most of us think of applications, we think of the various programs we have downloaded...
Cybersecurity- Insiders

Using RASP to Make Bug Bounty Programs More Efficient

This post was originally published here by MIKE MILNER. Bug bounty programs have gained popularity throughout the tech industry, cropping up at tech giants such...