Boosting Cybersecurity Using VPN Consistently

Cybersecurity- Insiders

The concept of a tunnel involves creating a stable channel between two computers or two networks to transmit data. When a user is “split tunneling” some of the data is running on a secured tunnel known as a virtual private network, or VPN, and some of the data is running on an open, unsecured tunnel. So, in a day and age with so many data risks and IT problems, why in the world would any still transmit data on an open channel at all? It’s a good question, but the fact is people still transfer a tremendous amount of information freely without any restriction on accessing it in transit.

Why a Split Tunnel Approach Redefines Protected Internet Usage

With a split tunneling approach, you simplify your digital life and remove the complexity. Normally, folks have to set up a series of software features and hardware to provide a serious level of encryption protection on the information transferred. Other options involve having to working through secure website only, which of course reduces one’s flexibility to do work on the Internet.

In a split tunnel approach the security is already inherently provided by the split approach. The secure data runs on a VPN track while the not-so-sensitive material can move through unsecured channels. The beauty of this approach is that what doesn’t need to be secure can run freely on an Internet connection. For most folks this is easily 75 percent of what they do digitally. However, for those on the move, the VPN provides the peace of mind that what needs to be protected gets taken care of. Whether you’re working out of a client’s conference room, a diner on the road between destinations, or your living room couch on the weekend, Whitelister is compatible with any situation where there is an Internet connection.

Making VPN Usable at a Practical Level

Whitelister is a great choice for VPN protected usage. It provides a private connection that can’t be tapped into, and you can use multiple devices to connect. Regardless of connecting via a Wi-Fi router or a direct LAN connection, once you follow the VPN protocol, Whitelister is going to make sure the data transfer stays protected. However, if you decide to run non-recommended apps at the same time or you go to non-covered websites, Whitelister won’t address your personal choices. In those cases, then your activity becomes unprotected. The same issue goes for when you decide to connect to the Internet or an open network without using the VPN channel steps.

The Benefits Prove Themselves in Practice

In practice, those folks following the connection Whitelister procedures are going to find that the split tunneling approach work really well for secure data transfer. Whitelister and its support, Surfshark, provided users a detailed listing of what apps and websites work well and have compatibility with Whitelister’s protection arena. And, it is still possible for a user to proactively choose to bypass the VPN connection when operating on a known secure connection and the VPN is not necessary, such as a home company Wi-Fi or a home private connection ISP.

For example, George is a Whitelister user on his laptop, which he uses regularly for work on the road. However, when he’s at home, George knows his Wi-Fi is running through a secure firewall and reliable ISP. The VPN protection would normally slow down his ability to enjoy videos on YouTube. George in this case can easily bypass his VPN protection manually, and his YouTube views will run at full streaming speed instead of being slowed down by the filtering that would otherwise occur.

Making a VPN Connection Functional For Personal Custom Use

Again, Whitelister provides real time, practical benefits for working people on the go who need protection wherever they are, not just at specific connection points. These benefits include:

  • Keeping sensitive work and information safe through a secure VPN tunnel that can’t be tapped like an open connection could be.
  • You have the option of bypassing the VPN protection when you know your connection provider is secure and protection is not a concern in your current environment.
  • You can easily connect with your peripheral devices like your printer without any delays, like your personal or network printer.

A standard VPN doesn’t give you personalization capability. This is why it’s usually just used for specific connection purposes versus all-around Internet protection. Surfshark changes this paradigm entirely. It takes the best features of Surfshark while still giving people the ability to use the Internet as they like when protection is not a concern. The Whitelister VPN can be left on the entire time without the hassle of toggling depending on what you’re doing at the time. And the customization ability matches the way you work, live and play on the Internet versus some standard generic model that creates a hassle for how you want to connect.


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