The Military and Intelligence Chiefs of the United States and Britain have officially declared that they will work together to take on the cyber threats posed by enemies like Putin’s Russia and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
Issuing a public statement on this note on Sunday, the leaders of GCHQ and the UK’s Joint Forces Command (JFC) and the US National Security Agency (NSA) released an unprecedented statement of intent concurring the media speculations which are doing rounds from the past few days.
From the past few days, noted media organizations such as UK’s Daily Mail have been speculating that Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian hackers to target UK and US critical infrastructure to spark chaos the international political arena. And North Korea’s Kim Jong Un was supporting Putin’s objective to the core on this note.
Also, the relations between Kremlin and Westminster soared after the Salisbury Nerve Agent poison attack. A few days back, UK’s Prime Minister Theresa May also issued a public statement that if Russia fails to give a clear explanation on Salisbury attack, then her nation will be enforced to impose sanctions and could also be coaxed to launch cyber attack Russia’s critical infrastructure.
On Saturday last week talks involving GCHQ director Jeremy Fleming, JFC commander general Sir Christopher Deverell, and US Admiral Mike Rogers- the US Cyber Command and director took place. And it was decided that the law enforcement organizations from the two countries will from now on work closely together to help keep US and UK safe from the cyber warfare of Russia, North Korea, and China.
The discussion focused more on how the military and intelligence of both nations could deploy and develop the cyber capabilities to counter and defend themselves against malign activity around the world.
Meanwhile, the United States on Friday charged and sanctioned nine Iranians and an Iranian company for launching cyber attacks on 100’s of Universities, dozens of firms and some government organizations on a worldwide note.
The charged criminals were the ones who launched cyber attacks in 2013 stealing more than 31 TB of academic data, and intellectual property from more than 144 US universities, and 176 other educational institutions operating in 21 other countries worldwide.