British politicians put on high alert against Russian Cyber Attacks

    Cybersecurity- Insiders

    National Cyber Security Agency (NCSC) of Britain has put all politicians of its nation on high alert against a possible Russian cyber attack before the June 8 general elections. The warning comes just after two weeks when France leader Macron accused Russia of trying to negatively influence his win in the recently concluded general elections held on May 7th this year.

    The UK-based law enforcement agency has issued a formal phishing attack related alert with a stringent warning that hackers may try to steal access to emails and passwords in this attack genre.

    The NCSC says that hackers may pose as banking agents, government staff or insurance agents and may send fake documents that require you to log in with banking passwords or fill personal details. As the emails are very convincing, the victims fall prey to such phishing attacks easily and here’s where the law agency wants to highlight the fact of cyber attack.

    NCSC and GCHQ have issued a joint statement on this issue and asked the politicians and their staff members to immediately report anything suspicious. They also asked the staff members of the politicians to change the passwords to bolster security authentications, if they are concerned.

    Concerns about cyber attacks have been heightened specifically after last Friday when Wanna cry ransomware attack infected 200,000 computers in more than 150 countries.

    The Telegraph reported that NHS was a victim of the said ransomware by a phishing attack and all politicians and military heads of UK are also vulnerable to such cyber threats.

    United States CIA and FBI on a joint note issued a media statement on January first week of this year that they have enough evidence to prove that Russia hackers influenced the US 2016 polls which eventually went in favor of the present and 45th US President Donald Trump.

    So, NCSC is sure that the hackers sponsored by Russia will try to manipulate the UK election results in such a way that they go in favor of the person of Vladimir Putin’s choice. For this reason, the law agency has put all politicians and their staff on high alert against a possible cyber attack which might take place by this month end.

    Note- The general elections of UK are just 20 days away from now.

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    Naveen Goud
    Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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