To all those public and private employees in Canada who are working from home, due to Corona Virus spread crisis, here some good news. A Canada spy agency is all set to use its huge database of cyber threats to protect employees who are working from home to keep their critical office IT operations free from cyber attacks of any range during the COVID 19 shutdown.
In the past few weeks, it’s a fact that multiple instances of fraudulent activity have been witnessed around the globe. For instance, scammers are seen targeting Canadian individuals with offers such as advance payouts and products such as sanitizers and face masks. Some individuals are also seen receiving messages from fake Public Health Canada websites that they have been tested positive and need special attention on an immediate note.
As such scams have become rampant; Canada’s Spy agency Communications Security Establishment Canada, in association with non-profit Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) has set to launch a free tool named CIRA Canadian Shield.
Canadian Shield is developed in such a way that it helps prevent online users from connecting to malevolent websites and other platforms. All without the need to input any personal information as it can lead to monetization of user data by the company at a later stage.
CIRA issued a public statement yesterday on this note and said that its new online app will especially help employees working and learning from home en masse get enterprise-grade privacy and Cybersecurity protection- which is otherwise only seen in corporate environments of large companies and organizations.