China has strictly denied the allegations put forward by the Australian parliamentarian authorities who claimed that hackers from the said region tried to break into the computer network of their parliament last week, by targeting a federal database in Canberra.
Speaking to the media, Hua Chunying, a spokesperson for Chinese Foreign affairs ministry said that the allegations were “Part of a larger smear campaign against China”.
“China has always shown interest in maintaining a cordial cybersecurity relationship among the members of the international community as it is a global issue that concerns the common interests of all the countries”, said Ms. Hua.
She clearly denied the allegations made by Australian Parliamentarian Presiding officers Tony Smith and Scot Ryan on Friday last week and said that some people with the help of Yellow Media were trying to tarnish the public image of the nation on an international level.
Asked about the cyber attack, Hua said that incidents such as the 2017’s WannaCry Ransomware attack had sounded a cybersecurity alarm on a global note and urged people representing their country to be careful while making “random accusations” on cyber incidents.
“Evidence is crucial in such allegations and its naïve to accuse a nation without it”, said Hua.
China has opposed all forms of cyber attacks and cyber thefts and calls on the international community to deal with Cyber threats through talks and collaboration on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.