As more and more companies operating in UK are showing interest in moving their applicational assets to cloud, a surprising find made by Trend Micro says that UK IT bosses are not at all prepared for the transition.
Nearly half of the IT leaders in Briton are not at all prepared for the move to cloud and that’s despite knowing the fact that their traditional on-premises Cybersecurity measures like network intrusion solutions, threat monitoring solutions, firewalls and anti-virus solutions can create performance bottlenecks and security issues because of their non-compliance with the change.
2020 Cloud security report that was also commissioned by CLOUDSEC Online says that 43% of them were keen in using a single platform to provide security for cloud and on premises applications, and 36% of them cited integration issues as the biggest barrier for cloud security adoption.
Among them only half expressed their desire to avail security services by 3rd party security providers that could facilitate them to integrate with multiple platforms and application vendors.
“This particularly concerns as 23% of firms confirmed that they have moved partially or fully to a DevOps model to drive digital transformation. And as special capabilities are needed to develop emerging technologies such as container, server less and other emerging technologies, specially designed APIs will be needed to specially protect the development pipelines”, says Bharat Mistry, the Principal Security Strategist at Trend Micro.
As organizations are swiftly shifting towards multi-cloud environments, a security vendor integration is needed says the TrendMicro 2020 Cloud Security Report commissioned by CLOUDSEC Online.