Common myths about Cloud Security!

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Cloud Security solutions are usually plagued with a lot of malicious talks. And one which tops among them is that the said solutions are “inherently insecure”. So, to set the story straight and debunk the top cloud security myths once and for all, Cybersecurity Insiders is offering a clear perspective of the industry at the current stage.

Cloud solutions are insecure- Almost a decade ago, the talk that cloud solutions are insecure started. And the talk remained the same till 2015. But now, things have changed on this issue on a drastic note as companies have started to learn that cloud solutions are safer than legacy solutions due to several factors. The foremost help which the cloud does is that it removes the manual updates of firmware, configuration changes, and penetration testing. On the other hand, in the case of legacy systems, these updates used to cause system downtime and create a potential point of entry for hackers. A recent survey made by IBM found that over 64% of enterprises consider cloud infrastructure a more secure alternative to legacy systems.

Trust factor- In general, whenever a new technology is introduced to employees, it takes a long time for them to develop trust on it. Similarly, fans of legacy systems are wary of cloud security solutions due to the fact that it is still new and innovative.

But is this logic true in the case of cloud solutions? No, says the rapid adoption rate of cloud security solutions. This proves us a fact that the CIOs and CTOs from healthcare to IT are showing extreme interest in deploying cloud based security solutions. Indeed a recent survey of IDG found that 70% of organizations have at least one application in the cloud. Another survey made by Clutch says that 90% of businesses in the USA have adopted cloud solutions in their IT infrastructure as they trust them to the core. Thus, all these impressive numbers suggest that cloud adoption is flourishing against the desires of those spreading negative.

Extra skill is needed to understand and deploy cloud solutions- Well, under normal circumstances, IT teams are already being used to deploy, maintain, upgrade and service legacy hardware/software systems. But when a company makes a shift to the cloud, they can cut costs on capital expenditure of legacy systems by going for a more realistic model of operational expenditure based on use. This procedure helps the company cut down on investments related to maintenance efforts and helps IT teams to use their free time to engage in more productive tasks that contribute directly to their firm’s value proposition.

Compliance Issues- One of the IT headaches of today is implementing compliance initiatives along with protocols. Till date, legacy systems have efficiently played their part in covering the issues related to compliance. But as technology evolved as per international and industry standards, some things were left behind in legacy systems. This is where cloud implementation helps as all the compliance related enforcements and audits related to infrastructure are available and well integrated into the platform. Thus, cloud solutions not only help in relieving the stress to IT teams tied to the auditing process but also help in minimizing critical digital business risks to a large extent.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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