Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has disclosed that organizations operating in Australian are becoming victims to more ransomware attacks than those functioning in the rest of the world. And the security firm says that this trend is been witnessed because of the strained trade relationship of the country with China, the ongoing battle against Corona Virus, remote working started by more companies resulting in employee burnout.
CrowdStrike’s Global Security survey says that over two third’s (67%) of Australian firms have suffered ransomware attacks in the last 12 months. And among them over 43% have reported to have paid a ransom to free up their database from ransomware.
Among the respondents over 72% feel that COVID-19 pandemic propelled shutdown has played as a catalyst in barring many companies in taking appropriate measures to keep their IT infrastructure out of the reach of those spreading ransomware.
After China, Australian organizations will face constant cyber threats from Russia as they are on the verge of facing many state sponsored cyber attacks because of the prevailing international tensions.
Australian firms say it is taking much longer than the average figures witnessed across the world in detecting ransomware incidents- say 140 hours against the regular 107 hours on a global average.
“So, it becomes extremely crucial for organizations to focus on their cyber security resiliency to protect the privacy of their users, clients and staff members which eventually paves way to the bolster of economy, national security and safety of the entire Australian populace,” said Michael Sentonas, the CTO, CrowdStrike.