Cyber Attack concern makes Google block NHS Employees

Cybersecurity- Insiders

National Health Service of England, shortly known as NHS, has asked its staff to switch to Yahoo Search Engine or Bing after the thousands of employees from its organization were barred by Google due to Cyber Attack fears.

From last weekend, Google activated a shield for NHS staff that is actually designed to stop cyber attacks from flooding the servers of the search engine juggernaut. Technically, it means that whenever an NHS employee wants to use Google search engine services, they have to check a box to confirm they are “not a robot”.

Generally, these algorithms are employed by search giants when large volumes of traffic hit the servers which could cripple the entire network.
If the traffic comes from one IP address, it means a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack.

Thus, the newly activated shield for NHS employees has caused immense concern and so the IT staff of the health organization has sent an email request to all their organization’s staff to switch to another service provider to avoid Google.

Google sources quote that their company has decided to intermittently block access to NHS Trust to withstand large volumes of traffic being generated by the staff. They aren’t sure whether the staff is really generating the traffic or some other source has launched a cyber attack.

NHS digital has responded that it’s aware of the fact that their staffs are occasionally being diverted to simple verification page when accessing Google and its services.

England’s National Health Service has more than 1.5 million staff working for the organization around the world.
Google denied any discrepancy in its services and said that its service algorithms are working on a perfect note.

It also added that the matter of NHS authorities facing a tough time due to its algorithm is under probe and the company expects to solve the issue by this weekend.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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