Topeka Utilities Department has suffered a cyber attack recently in which data of more than 10,000 Topekans got exposed. A statement released on Monday says that the data breach occurred between Oct 31 and Dec 7 impacting all the users who used the city’s website for payment of utility bills via Central Square.
Molly Hadfield, a city spokesperson said that those customers who used e-checks or enrolled in autopay before October 31st was not affected. She said that all the victims will be notified through proper channel.
Those concerned about the privacy of their credit card details are advised to contact their credit card service provider for any suspicious activity.
Saipem, the Italian Oil Services provider has reported a cyber attack on its servers originating from Chennai, India. As of now, the company is busy collecting the details of the impact and the actions to be taken to restore normal activities.
Mauro Piasere, the head of Innovation, Saipem said that the servers of his company operating in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait were disrupted by the attack. And the company will be shifting to data backup systems once the threat gets eliminated.
Mr. Piasere stressed the fact that there will be zero or a negligible amount of data loss as the company had an effective data management plan in place. He also disclosed the fact that competent authorities have been reported about the incident and a third party review has been put in place.
Saudi Aramco happens to one of the biggest clients to Saipem as it has a legal framework to utilize the services till 2021.
X rated emails are said to be spreading GandCrab ransomware says a report compiled by Proofpoint researchers. The discovery says that an ongoing Se#tortion Campaign has targeted thousands of victims so far and has succeeded in gathering millions of dollars in exchange.
Technically speaking, the campaign starts with an email having a photo attachment of the victim in a compromised position with the other gender. When the attachment is clicked, then link executes ransomware and locks up the system until a ransom of $500 is paid in Bitcoins or DASH currency.
Proofpoint which discovered the ransomware campaign on Dec 5th, 2018 said that thousands of emails were sent to victims mainly in the United States. And the attack happens to be of a mixture of social engineering and phishing baits.