Cyber Attack news for the day

Cybersecurity- Insiders

1.) Ransomware attack on Luas website of Ireland is said to have impacted over 3,226 people who signed up for the company’s newsletter. The company says that no financial info of the impacted customers was compromised in the incident, but admitted that the attack could have impacted other details such as names, email ids, and mobile phone numbers.

Highly placed sources say that the hackers are demanding a ransom of 1Bitcoin or €3,379 and have threatened to release the data on the dark web if the authorities of the Dublin based tram services chose to oblige their demands.

Luas released an official statement a few hours ago stating that it will inform all the impacted customers about the data breach within the next 24 hours. The law enforcement has been informed about the incident and NCSC has a launched the probe on this year’s first cyber attack which hit the UK based company.

2.) Meanwhile, in the second such cyber incident, Warby Parker, an online glass retailer is reported to have been hit by a cyber attack that affected about 198,000 of customers who accessed the company services from late September to November last year.

Reliable sources from the company say that the hackers managed to steal usernames and passwords and tried to access accounts using those credentials. The law enforcement has been updated about the attack and the company is urging all its customers to change their passwords meant for website access on an immediate note. Those who use the same password to access multiple web services should take note of the matter instantly and do the needful.

3.) In a third such incident related to cybercrime which came into light on December 28th, 2018, Toledo-based Dental Center of Northwest Ohio stated that the data of its customers might have been accessed by hackers when they launched a cyber attack on a database related to a local 3rd party IT Vendor- Arakyata.

Sources say that the data breach might have occurred in the month of September last year and after thoroughly investigating the matter; the healthcare provider chose to disclose the details in the last week of the previous year.

Dental Center of Northwest Ohio admitted that the data was accessed, but at the same time, it stressed the fact that the compromised data wasn’t misused till date.

As compensation for the incident, the dental services provider is offering all its customers a free credit monitoring and identity theft protection services for the next 6 months. At the same time, it assured that it will implement additional security measure to safeguard its customer data in future.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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