Pfizer company that has produced a life saving vaccine to counter the spread of Corona Virus is back in news. The intelligence committee, funded by South Korea’s National Assembly, has revealed that a cyber attack launched on Pfizer at the end of last year was launched by North Korean hackers to steal the intelligence of vaccine research that was co-sponsored by BioNTech.
Deloitte that released a report on the issue confirmed the news and added that all drug-making related companies should be cautious against cyber attacks as more such sophistication backed attacks are on front.
In another news related to cyber attack, France Cyber Security authorities have detected that the United States SolarWinds cyber attack could have been launched on its infrastructure in 2017 that remained undetected till 2020 or until security firm FireEye revealed it to the world.
French authorities say that the attack compromised the Centreon Enterprise IT platform through a back door that eventually affected IT providers and several web hosting providers within no time.
Third, this news is related to French health insurance company MNH that was hit by RansomExx, a spin-off version of Defray777 Ransomware. Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers has become a victim of file encrypting malware attack joining the list of entities like Brazil’s government networks, Texas Department of Transportation and Tyler technologies were hit by the same variant of malware.
MNH has cleared the air that it will not bow down to the demands of hackers and will instead rely on the backup systems to recover the encrypted data.