A sophisticated cyber attack which took place on accountancy firm Deloitte UK is said to have leaked confidential client information which can prove devastating in future. The company which released a press statement on this issue said that the hackers could have gained access to the Blue Chip info after hacking Deloitte’s corporate email server which went unnoticed for months.
The company which is considered as one of the big four accounting firms in the world said that it is still busy investigating the issue. The UK firm which has its headquarters in New York city of United States has informed the law enforcement about the data breach and is busy contacting all those clients who could have been affected by the leak.
Deloitte UK provides services such as auditing, tax advice, and consultancy to multinational firms and governments. Very recently, the company started to advise companies on cybersecurity threats and the measures needed to mitigate the risks.
According to Guardian, the officials of Deloitte discovered the hack in March this year. But they suspect that the digital intrusion could have taken place in October 2016.
Deloitte is said to have implemented a comprehensive security protocol after discovering the hack. It has also informed the GCHQ and began an intensive and thorough review including mobilizing a team of cybersecurity to conduct a deep probe on this issue.
Cyber attacks on financial firms to steal critical data has become a passe these days in the hacking world. But criminals hitting big companies and succeeding in gaining access to Blue Chip info shows us how serious are the accounting companies when it comes to data protection and cybersecurity defenses.
Note- Morgan Stanley, Berkshire Hathaway, Starbucks, Boeing, and Microsoft are some of the top clients of Deloitte.