Cyber Attack overhaul costs $670,000 for the City of Woodstock

Cybersecurity- Insiders

The City of Woodstock has disclosed the details of the cyber incident it experienced on September 20th this year and added it its statement that it took almost $667,220 to rebuild the computer network and restore critical data from the ransomware attack.

As the city based in London, Ontario, Canada said no to hackers it had to shell out more money as overhaul costs.

The break down of the cyber attack costs are as follows-

As IT consulting firm Deloitte was approached to investigate the incident, the city had to pay $562,656.48 to remediate the effects.

It is reported that the city’s IT staff worked for 880 hours of overtime to restore the computer system for a compensated pay of $55,000.

Siskinds LLP was approached and paid $8,854.13 during the investigations

The IT authorities of the City of Woodstock paid Scalar $31,784.85

PC Option $5,031.86

CDW Firewall- $4,449.68

And miscellaneous expenses accounted for $560

“As this was an extraordinary event which cannot be accommodated into the regular yearly budget, the expenses were deducted from reserve accounts”, said City CAO David Creery.

Note 1- Some of the costs will be covered in the municipality modernization grant from next year’s annual budget

Note 2- Woodstock city is based in Southwestern Ontario of Canada and is known as a dairy capital of Canada and promotes itself as “The Friendly City”.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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