A malware attack has targeted NHS Lanarkshire in Scotland disrupting its work operations from 11 am yesterday. Initially, the officials of the NHS Lanarkshire thought to be a technical glitch. But later they confirmed that it was a cyber attack launched by some hackers or mischief creators.
Calum Campbell, the Chief Executive of NHS Lanarkshire admitted that the health care board was under a cyber attack and so all the appointments and medical procedures were postponed.
He also added in his press statement that no personal data was compromised by the malware which infected few of the systems of its IT services provider. All precautionary measures to prevent further spread of the malware have been taken and all emergency treatments will go on as per the schedule.
Campbell also admitted that the latest attack was not caused by the residue of the previous Wannacry and NotPetya Ransomware which rattled the digital systems of the entire healthcare organization in May & June of this year.
Campbell added that this time a new kind ransomware was detected infecting the systems and could be a mischief of some cyber crooks and not state funded actors unlike reported in the media.
The affected IT provider which offers services to the health care organization has reported the incident to the law enforcement authorities and the cyber security wing of Scotland Police.
And so more details are awaited!