Cyber Attacks on Twitter Accounts

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Thousands of Twitter accounts were hacked by cyber crooks on Wednesday who posted messages praising Turks and disgraced Dutch with Nazi names. As per our sources, the attack was launched through a popular data tracking service and contained abusive messages along with Swastika symbol.

A video containing clips of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was attached to the tweets and contained some disgracing messages to those living in Germany and Netherlands.

Twitter Counter, which is an analytics firm based in Netherlands said that they are investigating the hack that occurred in the late hours of Wednesday and as a precautionary measure has blocked the twitter app key.

As all accounts which were affected by the hack had their banner photos changed to the Turkish flag, Twitter’s support team has blocked the editing feature for all those affected accounts.

High profile accounts such as Justin Bieber, Nike, BBC North America, Baseball Canada, Canada Soccer, Forbes, Starbucks, Reuters, UNICEF USA, Soccer star Javi Martinez and Amnesty International were some of the accounts which were affected by the hack.

What’s surprising is that the hack came just ahead of Dutch polls which are going to close at the 4PM Eastern time.

Last year, law enforcement agencies from US and UK have already warned countries like Germany of possible cyber attacks from state-sponsored spies of Russia.

Thus, the latest development hints us that the prediction of US and UK was accurate as the attack could have been launched by Russian Cyber Army-Fancy Bears.

In the year 2016, US accused Russia of influencing the 2016 US Polls and turning the results in favor of Donald Trump.

Therefore, the current episode of attack might also be a political conspiracy of Russia against its enemy nations.

NOTE- Reuters and Forbes have reacted to this hacking saga and said that their Marketing teams are already into the service of picking out the facts of the cyber attack launched on their twitter handles.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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