A team of security experts from Israel has warned that hackers are seen sweetly preying on DNA Research repositories these days as it proving lucrative to them. Researchers from Ben Gurion University (BGU) have released a white paper on the issue and published the same in their recent Journal Eurosurveillance.
Speaking about the dangers unfolding in microbiology advances, the experts have highlighted the fact that data related to genome sequences of pathogens which might bring a revolution into the detection of infectious diseases is said to be topping as a favorite subject for hackers to infiltrate related databases.
As DNA Sequencing has become cost-effective, scientists are trying to move their scientific inventions and discoveries in the related field from labs to the field and eventually into the homes of humankind. As this data is valuable, hackers are seen preying on these subjects as they are being funded to do so in some state-sponsored attacks.
BGU researchers say that such data should be proactively protected from digital invasions rather than indulging in an afterthought. Otherwise, it can lead to a bio-war where hackers eject false threats or use tools to delay recognition of epidemics in time.
Note- The recent Wuhan Virus, widely known as Coronavirus or Covid 19 might be a test sample of a bio war which China could have devised it for future use and spilled it midway due to a human error or a cyber attack on its database which resulted in the spread of the infection due to an altercation in lab chemical composition- resulting in a world crisis.