Economic Populism: A threat to Start-up Growth says Investor Advocate

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Newly-elected US President Donald Trump is said to be pushing for the advancement of economic populism in the United States. Such political ideology could put the growth and development of innovation economy at risk, according to the head of a national investor advocacy group.

During a conference kicked off by Christopher Mirabile, a renowned investor in Boston and the chair of the Angel Capital Association, of which event brought together many business start-up owners and investors, he stated that Trump is hostile to both large and small businesses despite his success in real estate industry.

During the Innovation Summit which was organized by the Connecticut Council of Technology, Mirabile quoted, “What should be of concern to members of the innovation economy like ourselves is that this populist view completely ignores the vital contribution the tech sector makes toward achieving all the business and populist priorities.” 

Investor Advocate Mirabile stressed to his listeners regarding how Trump has threatened to punish the companies of United Technologies Corp., Ford, and Nabisco for their decisions to move their business trades to Mexico.

Furthermore, Mirabile had struck a chord on the new-elect President’s criticism on high-technology industries, highlighting in his statement about Trump’s famous tweet via iPhone, ironically stating that “Apple should be boycotted for refusing to help law enforcement break into a customer’s phone.”

The Boston investor stated in an interview that he is simply trying to urge people (in the start-up and investment community) “to make sure their voices are heard and the innovation economy is appreciated.”

Mirabile added that he strongly believes that “tech is a part of a solution in terms of moving the country forward on jobs, national competitiveness, cybersecurity, social media, and politics.” Furthermore, he stated that the “innovation economy is actually the key to making America great again.”

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