Enhanced Norton Mobile Security for Android: Privacy and Security Protection Features

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Norton by Symantec, which is no doubt one of the most renowned security solution providers in the cyber world, presents their up-to-date flagship mobile security solution, Norton Mobile Security for Android.  

The increasing number of mobile applications made available to the public has also paved way for cyber attacks to manifest since apps have the ability to access mobile devices and its contents with the consent of users upon authentication. Some apps can also be possible carriers of hidden malwares or viruses that can pose a threat to stored personal or financial information.

In January 2016, roughly around 6.4 million malware apps and 5.7 million of greyware apps with potential privacy issues or intrusive behaviors have been identified by Symantec. With their newly enhanced Norton Mobile Security for Android, the security provider made sure to grant mobile users superfluous security and protection for the entirety of their mobiles and their identities as well, with its impressive added/improved features like App Advisor, Report Card and Integration with Norton Safe Search and Web Protection.

The App Advisor feature provides extensive mobile device security against malicious apps. Essentially, it scans the mobile devices and sends a warning whenever it detects unusual behavior from certain apps or if the apps pose potential data leakage.

The Report Card feature provides subscribers an enhanced Privacy Report. This is basically a list that lets users identify whether certain apps pose potential privacy risks to their shared personal data such as private information and photos.

The Integration with Norton Safe Search and Web Protection feature secures mobile subscribers from visiting malicious websites that can let malwares, ransomwares, viruses or phishing activities seep through. This feature also provides threat prevention measures before mobile subscribers visit a website by displaying adequate information about a website’s legitimacy, such as their safety and shopping ratings.

Executive Vice President for Symantec’s Norton Business Unit, Fran Rosch  stated, “We are seeing a significant uptick in customers installing Norton mobile solutions and believe it is due to people seeking ways to protect their devices, which are loaded with sensitive and personal information.” 

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