The G20 Summit which is to be held in Germany on July 7th, 2017 is readying itself to combat with cyber attacks of any range from nations such as Russia. The IT team in coordination with the police department has established significant cyber security methods ahead of the summit. This includes ‘Pen Test’ and keeping a team of experts ready for the charge.
Germany’s intelligence officials suspect that the conference might get disrupted by digital attacks launched by some hackers funded by state-funded actors. Thus, the national cyber security agency has put in some security measures in place to nullify the effects of political protests raised in digital form.
Already, the government officials have performed penetration tests on the network which will see the July 7th event and media reports pour in that United States CIA in coordination with NSA is helping German authorities to see the event is free from any range or variant of cyber attacks.
Meanwhile, the German domestic security watchdog has issued a new warning on Tuesday that the country’s political system could face a cyber threat from Russia in the run-up to September’17 general elections.
BfV in its annual report said that the suspected manipulation of US and French elections by Moscow has made its country extremely susceptible to cyber attacks. The report said that German politicians and parties might be targeted by Russia to spy their emails and sensitive data.
Thus, all this leads to the fact that Germany must keep its public and private infrastructure ready to brace cyber attacks of any range.
On the other hand, Russia has reacted to the allegations put forward by Germany and said that the allegations are baseless and just a wild imagination. Moscow even added that some countries are purposefully trying to tarnish the image of its country and its leader Mr. Vladimir Putin.