Come October 2020, Google is all set to release its Chrome 86 web browser that will warn people when filling out insecure mixed content forms that are not secure enough i.e. data relayed through insecure connection.
According to the information available on Chromium Blog, Google will from now on provide users with a more secure browsing experience by blocking them from entering private information that might be potentially revealed to eavesdroppers.
Google’s Chrome 86 will however maintain the work potential of its password manager as it is designed to assist its service users into trying unique passwords and barring them from using old or recycled passwords.
So, all you webmasters and SEOs out there are being urged to get ready for this change as Chrome is one of the leading web browsers as per the stats counter.
Note 1- A mixed content filled form is nothing but a HTML page that loads text content through HTTPS connection and then loads other content like videos, images, stylesheets and scripts through insecure HTTPS connection. A HTTPS Webpage guaranty’s authentication, data integrity and secrecy of the relayed content. Whereas a mixed content page weakens the security of an entire web page, thus making the content vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks, where a hacker sniffs up the communication and can alter the communication taking place between two or more parties.
Note 2- To avoid Chrome from blocking images on your website, all you need to do is do a full crawl audit of the site and use screaming frog and Netpeak Spider to track down HTTP resources on your Webpage. Also, instead of embedding images from other websites, better to contact the webmaster of that particular webpage and request for a permission to use that image with a citation to the mother page.