Hackers using AI Hologram to conduct identity theft

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Hackers are now using AI deepfake technology to impersonate C level employees of tech firms to dupe meeting respondents and the latest to fall victim to such a digital attack was a senior official of Binance, a company that is into the trading of cryptocurrency.

Patrick Hillmann, the Chief Communication Officer (CCO) was surprised to receive email alerts for attending meeting with stakeholders and other public listers in Binance. But in reality, he never attended them or knew about doing it in the coming days.

Later, a detailed inquiry made into the project meetings and analysis of meeting videos confirmed some fraudsters attended the meeting in his name and used AI’s deep fake technology to impersonal Hillmann.

Actually, it is a serious issue that needs to be studied and dealt appropriately by the COO. Otherwise, it could spell serious trouble for him in no time.

For this reason, the FBI has issued an advisory to all tech giants to step-up vigil over the online participants who are taking part in meetings. And weed out any image which is frozen, as it can be a video of a fraudster who can use deep fake technology and then ask the other participants to wire money to a bank account.

NOTE- Deep fake is an Artificial Intelligence-based technology used by hackers to impersonate others. In the process, they bad guys gain hold of previous TV or online interviews of victims and use the same videos and lip-syncs to mimic their presence at an event or during an incident.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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