In technical terms, email phishing is nothing but an attempt to obtain sensitive info such as usernames and passwords and credit card details by disguising an email link to be sent from a trustworthy entity in an electronic form. This includes links connecting to websites that distribute malware, that are nefarious, X-rated and which conduct espionage on victimized device data.
A report compiled by KnowBe4 talks exactly about it and reveals the latest set of email subject lines that make you fall prey to phishing attacks. The list goes on as follows- Add me join the network, Reset password, IT notice, Tax filing, new message are among others.
The report also covers the below sentence as the most popular email subject lines that are actually phishing emails- “A delivery attempt was made”.
The next email subject line which is topping the chart of phishing attacks in this year is -“You have won a lottery” and asks to disclose your financial details in order to claim the amount. It said that more than 23% of cyber attack victims from the US have fallen prey to this subject line as they entered some of their critical financial info which wasn’t meant to be made public at all.
Now, the biggest cyber threat of 2018 happens to be the following email subject line where hackers send an email to victims saying that “they have been caught watching Po#% content by a malware installed on their computer and if they do not want their video watching the X rated content to be circulated on web, then they need to pay the hackers $3000 in Bitcoins.
For some, the subject line and the email content may vary and might claim to have compromised your computer webcam which recorded an embarrassing video of you.
The law enforcement in the United States has stated that all such emails are scams and has urged people not to click on the links provided in such emails.
Security experts are saying to mark those messages as spam and then delete them. Also, such messages which sound to be suspicious can be reported on www dot usa.gov/stop-scams-frauds web page. This includes emails related to financial frauds, food stamp frauds, census frauds, identity theft scams, data breaches, Immigration frauds, internet frauds, and investment frauds and such…