Whether you specialize in SaaS, outsource your services or operate as a physical goods trader in the B2B sector, the risk of cybersecurity intrusions prevails. According to CNBC, 43% of cybersecurity attacks are aimed at small businesses, however, only 14% are prepared to defend themselves. On average, such intrusions cost businesses of all sizes up to $200,000 in damages, prompting them to hire cybersecurity experts as a preventative measure.
Regardless of whether you work remotely or in offices due to COVID-19, cybersecurity issues can still happen when you least expect them. In order to attract the right cybersecurity pro to your business, you will need to write a good job description which will pique their interest. Let’s take a closer look at how you can write spotless cybersecurity job descriptions going forward in order to bring the right talent on board.
Benefits of Hiring a Cybersecurity Pro for your Business
Before we dive into the job descriptions themselves, it’s worth elaborating on why you need a cybersecurity expert on your roster. According to Finances Online, most common cybersecurity attack vectors in 2020 include phishing (38%), network intrusions (32%), stolen/lost records (8%), and system misconfiguration (5%).
Even if your workplace policy has strict rules and regulations in regards to cybersecurity, odds are that someone on your staff will slip up unintentionally. Malicious mail or hyperlinks are deceptively hard to spot before it’s too late, however, a cybersecurity pro would be able to drastically mitigate your worry. Thus, some of the best reasons to invest in opening a dedicated cybersecurity position in your recruitment strategy include but are not limited to:
- Identification of cybersecurity weaknesses in your infrastructure early on
- Cybersecurity training and up-to-date information for your staff from a professional
- Constant updates and innovation in your cybersecurity defense strategy
- Quick and efficient response to potential cyber intrusion attempts
- Better compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA
- Improved brand reputation and trust of your B2B network associates with their data
How to Write a Job Description to Attract Cybersecurity Professionals
Open with a Description of your Company
Job candidates, whether they are cybersecurity experts or otherwise, will want to know as much about your company as possible before applying for work. You should open your job description with a brief overview of your company, its product portfolio, and team collaboration ethics and business culture in short.
Attach your landing or LinkedIn page to the job description to make it easy for candidates to review your company. Hiring a professional to take care of your cybersecurity infrastructure is a two-way street – they are evaluating you as much as you are evaluating them.
Define an Appealing Job Title
Most professionals will care about the job title you attach to the open position. It’s important that you write an appealing, professional job title which will accurately reflect the job position and its responsibilities. You can either write the job title upfront or wait and write it after you’ve listed all of the duties you expect the professional to fill. Some of the most popular and descriptive job titles you can use to hire a cybersecurity pro include:
- Cybersecurity Analyst
- Cybersecurity Engineer
- Database Cybersecurity Specialist
- Information Security Officer
- IT Security Specialist
Dorian Martin, a technology writer and editor at GetGoodGrade.com, spoke on the topic recently: “Job candidates place emphasis on the job title and whether or not it’s something they can use in their resumes later on. It’s best to audit several competitive cybersecurity companies and evaluate how they format their job titles in order to apply the same level of professionalism.”
List their Duties and Responsibilities
Every cybersecurity professional that comes across your job description will want to know the details of the job. In that regard, you should provide job candidates with a detailed breakdown of what exactly their responsibilities will be. Some of the duties typically associated with cybersecurity on a B2B level include:
- Safeguarding of sensitive corporate information through cybersecurity software implementation
- Recognition and mitigation of cybersecurity abnormalities and infrastructure issues
- Maintenance of safe internal company communication and data sharing
- Software and hardware upgrades in accordance with cybersecurity trends
- Collaboration with department heads to provide staff with cybersecurity training
You should consult a cybersecurity professional or someone in your company with rudimentary knowledge on what such a specialist should. This will help filter out unsuitable candidates early on while allowing you to narrow your search and find the right candidates more quickly.
Describe the Required/Recommended Competencies
It’s important to note that cybersecurity professionals don’t necessarily have to be academic graduates. In fact, you should be lenient about the required formal education and stick to hard/soft skills related to cybersecurity in your job description writing. The skills you should be on the lookout for in your candidates’ resumes are:
- Network protocols knowledge
- Firewall administration and maintenance
- System administration and maintenance
- Information security policies knowledge
- Network security troubleshooting
- Familiarity with routers, hubs, and switches
Only require the base minimum formal education from your candidates and emphasize that you put skills and experience above academia. In fact, certification and seminars are far more valuable to you as a B2B company looking for a cybersecurity professional. You can reach out to a traditional writing service in order to write and format your list of required and recommended competencies before hiring. Cybersecurity is a dynamic field which requires professionals to constantly learn and adapt their knowledge in order to protect sensitive corporate data.
Write About your Employee Benefits
Finally, every job candidate will be interested in the employment benefits you can offer. After all, cybersecurity professionals are people with lives and needs the same as everyone else. Make sure that you list all of the benefits your current employees enjoy and that you formulate them in positive ways.
Ensure that your job description lists your sick day policy, vacation time, salary details, as well as any team activities and getaways for the staff. Your cybersecurity specialist will be in charge of protecting your data infrastructure, effectively saving thousands of dollars for you on a monthly basis. Don’t skimp on the employee benefits you list in the job description, and you will have a much easier time finding the right talent.
Follow Up on your Job Description (Conclusion)
Once your job posting is live and candidates start pouring in, you should follow up on the job description you’ve written with solid interviews. Stick to the points you’ve listed in the description and ask your candidates about what made them reach out to your company specifically.
Discuss the points in your job description and draw parallels between it and your candidate’s resume to find out if they’re suitable for the job. There will obviously be candidates who are unfit for the position, and that’s OK – interview each individual and gauge their viability for your B2B company.