Increase in Cyber Threats from North Korea says the US

    Cybersecurity- Insiders

    United States has issued a warning related to an increase in Cyber Threats from North Korea and the alert was issued on a joint note early today by State and Treasury Department, FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

    Interestingly the cyber alert specifies that North Korea is posing as a significant threat to the financial system of North America and might have joined hands with China to cripple the entire economy of America in the wake of Coronavirus spread which has already devastated some vital cities of the Trump-led nation.

    As North Korea uses its cyber capabilities to steal critical info from financial institutions, United States intelligence agencies are tagging these activities as harmful which might damage the integrity of the nation on the whole by creating an economic and political meltdown.

    It is already a known fact that the Kim Jong Un led nation has a history of stealing Cryptocurrency from exchanges and individuals to fund its nuclear weapons programs aimed for mass destruction. The nation is also known for its money laundering abilities and cyber-enabled bank thefts.

    “In this situation, it is vital for the international community, network defenders and the public to stay on foot and work together to mitigate the cyber threat posed by North Korea,” says the agencies.

    Note– North Korea can be considered as a highly dangerous adversary to the United States apart from China, Russia and now Iran. And the nation is also suspected to have involved in the launch of a ransomware attack on the UK’s NHS and over 250,000 Windows systems operating worldwide in 2017.

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    Naveen Goud
    Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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