Intel invests in Cloud Security and data storage startups

Intel Capital, a business arm of Intel Corporation has made it official that it is investing in startups called Fortanix and Pliops to strengthen and secure its standing in Cloud Computing and Security fields.

CyberSecurity Insiders has learned that Intel will be investing around $23 million in raising the funding of Fortanix to $31 million which includes other investments from Foundation Capital and Neotribe.

Fortanix is known to protect data by developing a system which helps applications run in separate enclosures which prevent the data from getting hacked in the event of cyber attack instances. The Mountain View startup is said to use the investment money in R&D of its products in order to expand its services and portfolio on an international level.

In other news which is related to Intel investments, Israel based startup Pliops is said to receive a $30 million round 2 funding which brings its overall fund gathering to $40 million.

Pliops which is known to develop storage processor technology for data centers is said to use the latest round of financial investments in making silicon chips for server farms in order to make them run faster and more efficient. Also the Ramat Gan, Tel Aviv based company is looking to use the funding to increase its research base by hiring talent from the US, China, and India.

The news is out that Pliops will also get investments from Softbank Ventures Asia, State of Mind Ventures and Viola Ventures.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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