Iran Mahan Air hit by Cyber Attack

Cybersecurity- Insiders

It is a known fact that some state funded hackers attacked the gas stations operating in Iran a few days back. Now, it appears to be a repeat of the incident with an airlines falling prey to the criminals this time.

Tehran based Mahan Air was hit by a cyber attack last week after which hackers dubbed as “Hoosyarane-Vatan or Obedient Servants of Fatherland” claimed to have sent millions of messages to the Mahan Air customers that had malicious links embedded in it.

Mahan Air spokesperson Amir- Hussein Zolanvari said that the details of the hack will be disclosed to the media after an official probe gets concluded.

Since, the Mahan Air was working on a project related to Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; hackers belonging to Hoosyarane- Vatan could have targeted the airlines for vengeance.

However, the airliner needs to gain evidence to confirm the hand of the above said hackers group, as the preliminary inquiries and evidences point the suspicion finger towards Israel.

Mahan Air, which is one of the biggest national airlines company in Iran, was banned by the United States by imposing sanctions in 2011. So, it has only the international permit to fly passengers to destinations in Europe, Asia, Australia and Canada.

Note– From the past few months, Israel has been constantly alleging that Iran’s state funded hackers were constantly targeting its digital infrastructure that includes an insurance firm and a dating site for the LGBTQ community.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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