To recover from the ransomware attack in less than a day, JBS USA has reportedly paid $11 million to hackers says a statement released by the company’s CEO Andre Nogueira, on Wednesday.
The meat processing business firm that is a subsidiary of Brazilian Firm JBS SA had to lose a day-long production of beef, lamb, pork, and chicken as a result of the file-encrypting malware attack.
As the food supply chain was disrupted, countries like Australia and United States were on the verge of facing protein scarcity, if the delay lasted for a day or two. And since the slaughtering, processing, and supply need to be done with utmost standards, the food supply company decided to bow down to the demands of the hackers and recover the costs later through a cyber insurance claim.
JBS Meat is involved in more than 70% of beef supply to the United States and if the company failed to recover from the incident in few hours, then it could have led to a big disaster for those surviving on meat.
Pilgrims Pride Corp, a US-based Chicken supplying subsidiary of JBS confirmed the news and added that it just lost a few hour’s worths of food production due to the ransomware incident.
Those spreading REvil or Sodinokibi ransomware are said to be involved in the cyberattack on JBS Foods. And the financial impact on JBS Products supply is yet to be known.