For all those using Kodi media player software application here’s a bizarre cyber security alert. According to the analysis carried our by security experts from Check Point, hackers have developed a new kind of cyber attack on users using Kodi box to watch films and Television Programs.
UK-based Daily Mail reports that hackers have developed a new form of cyber attack in which an attack vector is being delivered to the media players in the form of movie subtitles. Since subtitles are treated as unsuspicious by anti-virus software; the attack on over 200 million KODI players have so far remained undetected.
Researchers from California-based security software firm Check Point have figured out that hackers are maliciously crafting a subtitle file, which when downloaded by the victim’s media player, takes control of the device( whether it’s a computer, TV or smart device) and then starts operating on the hacker’s instructions based remotely.
The alert says that the vulnerabilities were also found on popular streaming platforms including VLC, Popcorn Time and Stream.io along with KODI.
Check Point claims that hackers have already gained control over 200 million video players and streamers through the subtitle text based cyber attack, making it one of the most widespread, easily accessed and zero-resistance filled cyber threat reported in recent years.
Thus, subtitles which have been treated as harmless text files till date have now turned into a big cyber threat to web services users.
Note- KODI is open source software available for multiple operating systems and hardware platforms. The software allows users to play and view streaming media along with subtitles from local, network storage media or from the internet. KODI is currently available in 75 languages and is being used by more than 1 million smart television users on a worldwide note.