Leaked iOS source code could spell trouble for Apple Inc.

Cybersecurity- Insiders

An anonymous hacker has posted an iOS source code on a Github triggering concerns that almost all iPhones of Apple Inc are vulnerable to hackers. But the technology giant says that the code belongs to outdated iOS 9 software that wouldn’t affect users running newer versions of Apple software.

But the skilled hacker named ‘Zioshiba’ who publicized the source code claims that his leak is related to Apple’s ultra-secret iBoot software, which is the first app that runs when an iPhone user turns on an iOS device i.e when the phone transitions from a black screen to a white screen and then to the iOS home screen.

A source from Motherboard said that the event has captured the attention of the security researchers across the world who now terms it as the ‘biggest leak in Apple history’.

Jonathan Levin, who is fond of writing books on iOS programming, has confirmed that the source code leak could spell trouble to the iPhone giant in near future as it invites hackers to discover vulnerabilities in the software.

Levin also suggested that the code leak could make iPhone users “Jail Break” their device from all the limitations put forward by the California based multinational technology giant.

Note- Apple’s latest devices come loaded with Secure Enclave Processors which make “Jail Breaking” almost impossible.

In a public statement released just a few hours ago, Apple apparently stated that the leaked source code is related to iOS 9 which released in 2015 and assured that the threat scale is not as much as it is being hyped in the media because the design and security of Apple products don’t rely on the source code.

Apple Inc immediately reacted by filing a copyrights takedown request on Github. However, the code is now being circulated on many tech websites and blogs which is indeed a matter of serious concern.

According to statista, only 7% of iOS devices are operating on the versions older than iOS 10 and users of such versions could easily duck this security vulnerability by updating their software to a newer version of Apple iOS.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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