LinkedIn bolsters its cyber threat detection with Moonbase

    Cybersecurity- Insiders

    LinkedIn, a professional social networking platform having 20,000 employees serving about 874 million members, has bolstered its IT Infrastructure to protect against the prevailing sophistication driven cybersecurity threats.

    The world’s largest professional network is following a new program dubbed ‘Moonbase’ that improved the company’s threat detection and incident response, thus helping security analysts and engineers achieve 100% success in automating response in detecting threats and server logs.

    LinkedIn’s Moonbase program success was achieved in 6-months between March and Sept’2022 after reevaluating the firm’s current cyber posture and then proactively outlining and implementing on what was required to transform into a foolproof solution.

    From what is available to our Cybersecurity Insiders, manual detection of threats has been replaced with automation software and so threat hunting and mitigation happens within no-time.

    Now the big news; from February 2023, LinkedIn is planning to follow the steps of Twitter by offering a verified tick mark that can help in boosting profile credibility. As social media platforms are filled with scammers, under-qualified people and deceits, such profile verification is being suggested by some board members.

    The member who likes to get a credibility check should keep their profile updated with their latest pic, add background photo reflecting their interests and write what describes you to the world. Confirming a phone number and email ID will make complete sense, as it makes the business firm affirm the profile as trustworthy.

    It is unclear whether the company is seeking any monetary benefits by endorsing profiles. However, there is no surprise if it charges a fee to prove a profile’s credibility.

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    Naveen Goud
    Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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