Malware Waits for No CASB

    Cybersecurity- Insiders

    This post was originally published here by  Rich Campagna.

    Cloud and mobile are driving an incredible amount of corporate data outside the firewall, and beyond the reach of traditional security, including malware protection. As enterprises adopt cloud and BYOD, threats follow.

    Bad actors are getting increasingly sophisticated with their attacks, leading to a massive drop in efficacy for signature-based AV solutions over the past several years. That’s why we announced the integration of Cylance’s revolutionary advanced threat protection product into the Bitglass cloud access security broker platform (CASB).

    Cylance is the recognized leader in threat protection for managed endpoint devices. The solution identifies unknown and zero day attacks via machine learning and artificial intelligence, creating the most effective platform on the market – they call it unbelievable and many (Bitglass included) agree. Cloud and BYOD, however, bring new challenges, requiring delivery of a solution like this via a very different architecture. Enter integration with the Bitglass CASB.

    Why is this integration notable? The combined solution extends Cylance’s unrivaled efficacy to stop the proliferation of malware via public cloud apps like Office 365Amazon Web ServicesSalesforce and more. Bitglass’ agentless CASB architecture also makes malware protection a reality for unmanaged/BYOD devices for the very first time.

    The best-of-breed integrated solution is the first of its kind to stop threats, including unknown and zero day exploits, on any device managed or unmanaged, and any enterprise cloud application in real-time.

    Let’s unpack that loaded sentence to highlight why every single word is important:

    • The best-of-breed combined solution…
      The new leader in advanced threat protection integrated into the #1 CASB for real-time data protection.
    • …is the first of its kind to stop threats, including unknown and zero day exploits…
      Unlike competitive CASBs, which rushed to market with low-efficacy, signature-based antivirus solutions, Bitglass has partnered with the vendor dramatically more effective at finding and stopping zero-day threats and the most sophisticated attacks, both known and unknown.
    • …on any device, managed or unmanaged…
      Only Bitglass offers an easy-to-deploy, robust agentless architecture, leveraging our reverse proxy with AJAX-VM. Unlike agent-based CASBs suitable only for managed devices, Bitglass offers inline data protection for any device – an absolute must-have for organizations moving to the public cloud.
    • …and any enterprise cloud application…
      In addition to a broad range of SaaS applications, Bitglass is the first CASB to support data protection for IaaS platforms like AWS, as well as any custom application – cloud or premises.
    • …in real-time.
      There are a number of out-of-band, API-based CASB solutions on the market. These API-based solutions aren’t able to enforce policy (including malware scanning) in real-time – they are forced to wait through API notification delays before they are even aware that something has happened. A 10-15 minute delay on an external share might not result in data leakage, but wait 15 minutes for malware, and it’s already likely to have done its damage, proliferating via sync clients and infecting both managed and unmanaged devices. Total deal breaker for API-based CASBs, because malware waits for no CASB.


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