Microsoft Azure has announced that it is going to offer cloud support for IoT security. Thus, with the official declaration, the said cloud services provider happens to be the world’s first cloud platform to deliver end-to-end and unified approach towards the security of the Internet of Things.
“Azure Security Center for IoT has been specifically designed for manufacturing units which like to keep a tab on the security condition of their IoT used in industrial applications connected to Azure Cloud”, said Caglayan Arkan, Global Head of Manufacturing and resources, Microsoft.
The new offering helps it easy for partners and customers to build enterprise-grade industrial IoT solutions with open standards and ensures their security added Arkan.
A highlight of Azure Security is that it assists customers to find missing security configurations on edge, cloud and on IoT devices. For instance, the admins can have a view of the open ports on their IoT devices and see whether the database is encrypted or not.
“As industries desire to have security integrated into every layer to protect data and applications in industrial processes, they want it to be on the edge. Microsoft Azure Security is being offered with a similar stance to improve the pace of innovation and learning to help scale quickly and on an effective note”, says Sam George, IoT director of Microsoft Azure.
Mr. George added Cloud-based Azure Security gets threat intelligence inputs from over 6 trillion-plus signals that the Redmond giant collects daily and provides info to the security center which then integrates with Azure IoT Hub to gain access to information related to IoT security.
That means, manufacturing companies can get a view of security across Azure solutions through a single pane of glass.
An overview and other technical updates of Azure Security Center for IoT will be offered by Microsoft at the Industrial Technology Trade show to be held in Hannover, Germany.