More than 67 percent of healthcare organizations in the UK hit by a cyberattack

Cybersecurity- Insiders

A survey conducted by a data security provider named Clearswift in the UK suggests that more than 67% of healthcare organizations were hit by a cyberattack last year most of which includes malware attacks, virus infection propagation through USB sticks and employees sharing data with unauthorized resources.

Clearswift’s security survey suggests that 37% of respondents agreed that they were not following the protocol and data protection policies which need to be followed in actual and this is what is doing severe damage to their firm’s Cybersecurity.

In most cases, it is the budget allocation which is making CIOs and CTOs ignore the protocols meant to protect data.

“The healthcare sector needs to hold patient data in a secure way which will in-turn reduce the number of security incidents occurring in the industry”, said Alyn Hockey, VP, Product Management, Clearswift.

Mr. Hockey added that UK firms should share data across departments and organizations to render excellent patient care.

Going deep into history, the 2017 Wannacry Cyber Attack on NHS cost the healthcare services provider £92 million- only through appointment cancellations, as over hundreds and thousands of computers around the world went disrupted due to the malware.

Clearswift discovered in its recent survey that over 18% of those surveyed improved their investments and Cybersecurity posture after seeing the repercussions of the 2017 Wannacry attack. However, the number is disappointing as many companies’ heads are still on a learning spree or ignoring the economical aftermaths confiscated from cyber attacks.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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