Most of the American office workers are reportedly becoming vulnerable to cyber attacks and that’s because of their oversharing on social media platforms says a survey conducted by email services provider named Tessian.
Out of 4000 UK and US Professionals interviewed in during the research titled “How to hack a human”, the email security vendor discovered that half of the IT professionals were seen sharing personal details on Facebook and Twitter like their driving license numbers, contact details such as phone nos and email IDs, children names, birthday events, and job status updates.
This practice is said to be leading to social engineering based cyber attacks like online fraud and phishing attacks.
Dark world is filled with cyber crooks who often prey on such events to exploit executives of multi-national firms.
The attack goes on as follows- first a hacker approaches an IT professional as a friend and then indulges in close conversations which result to revelation of personal details and this includes some facts even in office messages.
As more and more info is available online, it is making the hackers trap easy prey by harvesting data from the web and succeeding in creating a profile of a target.
With AI technology on hand, the task becomes easier than it can be completed in just a few secs/mins.
In the world of cyber hacking, most of the threat actors have vast amounts of time and the only thing they do is to wait for the targets to fall in the laid online traps.
Advanced email threat detection service provider Tessian claims that such attacks often lead to wire frauds or phishing attacks and can prove fatal as some victims working in healthcare can spill classical details that can lead to database hacks of hospitals causing patient deaths.