The cybersecurity industry is always on the lookout for new, unknown threats. This is the exciting stuff techies enjoy talking about and journalists like to cover. Last year we learned about Spectre and Meltdown. Nyotron CTO Nir Gaist has predicted a significant new and previously unknown threat will arise in 2019. But as you will learn during our March 21 webinar “Can ILOVEYOU Still Infect You?”, we can’t let the search for what’s new distract us from the existing, and well known, billion pieces of old malware.
We will reveal the findings of our recent study of how three leading antivirus products fared against 60,000 pieces of known malware from years or decades ago. The results will surprise you. Here’s a preview: the ILOVEYOU virus from the year 2000 may still wreak havoc.
To register, follow this link and mark your calendar for:
- Thursday, March 21st
- 2:00 PM EDT/11:00 AM PDT
We will publish a full report on our research findings next week, so keep checking back to our blog and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to be the first one to know.