Nyotron Webinar: Live Hacking Using Russia’s Favorite TTPs

Cybersecurity- Insiders

U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats says the country’s digital infrastructure is under constant attack by state-sponsored cyber attackers from Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. He even compares the situation today to the months before September 11, 2001, adding “here we are nearly two decades later, and the warning lights are blinking red again.”

Why is it so easy for hackers to launch intrusions and attacks at government agencies, the military, businesses and critical infrastructure? We’re going to answer that question during our September 26 webinar “Live Hacking Using Russia’s Favorite TTPs”.

Nyotron’s experts will provide live demonstration of one of the favorite tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) Russian hackers use, including replicating how easy it is to leverage Server Message Block (SMB) protocol authentication session to obtain user’s credential hash, then crack it in real-time to reveal the password.

  • What: “Live Hacking Using Russia’s Favorite TTPs” webinar
  • When: Wednesday, September 26th at noon Eastern/9 a.m. Pacific
  • Why: No product pitches, just good old live hacking!

To register to attend, click here.

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Rene Kolga
Rene Kolga is Senior Director of Product and Marketing at Nyotron, the developer of PARANOID, the industry’s first OS-Centric Positive Security solution to strengthen your AV or NGAV protection. By mapping legitimate operating system behavior, PARANOID understands all the normative ways that may lead to damage and is completely agnostic to threats and attack vectors. When an attack attempts to delete, exfiltrate or encrypt files (among other things), PARANOID blocks them in real-time.

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