Disney + also searched as Disney plus on Google search engine has refuted rumors that over 10million accounts of its users including passwords were leaked online. The American video-on-demand streaming service which made its debut on November 12th of 2019 said that leaked information on various hacking forums could be from past hacks made on the servers of Disney and not on Disney+ servers.
From the past days, several media sources started circulating the news that the account info of Disney plus users was doing rounds on several hacking forums. ZDNET, a technology-based news site said that the account info related to the new video streaming service was being sold for $3 each and so Disney’s objective of capturing Netflix revenue with its news service within few weeks of its launch might easily fall into jeopardy.
In general, Disney plus is being offered for $7 a month or $70 a year. And those subscribing for the service through Verizon got a one-year subscription for free to the service.
However, as users are habituated of using the same passwords on different online service platforms, there is a high possibility of a hacker gaining access to the service through fraudulent ways- which will surely lead to the drain of revenue for American Technology company.
Though Multi-Factor authentication is being offered by many streaming service providers, it needs the attention of the user to be activated. And moreover, in a typical household where multiple users share the streaming service, 2FA services do not work as they are often seen as pain while login.
Out of an abundance of caution, it is better if the users of Disney Plus change their passwords on an immediate note as it will avoid all troubles.