President Barack Obama orders cyber attack probe on US 2016 elections

Cybersecurity- Insiders

The United States current president Barack Obama has ordered intelligence agencies to launch a special Cyber attack probe on US 2016 elections held in November this year. Lisa Monaco, working as an adviser at Homeland Security has confirmed this news and added that Obama has asked for a report before he leaves office on January 19th,2016.

Monaco told reporters that the results of the probe are expected by the first week of 2017 and will be shared with lawmakers and others in next month end.

In a media briefing made early this morning, Lisa said that Obama strongly feels that there were foreign influence and intervention on the recently concluded elections. And for this reason, he wants a detailed review and report on the issue.

Cyber attacks are not new to United States Security agencies. But many of the US populace feel that cyber attacks reached a new threshold in this year.

In the year 2008, Lisa worked as a senior FBI official. And she was the first person to alert the white house about a possibility of Chinese interception on the 2008 presidential campaign and results.

US government officials suspect that Russia was involved in a malicious cyber activity which influenced the current year’s election results to a large extent.

Although Obama warned Russian President Vladimir Putin on many occasions, the republic nation never backed off from indulging in fraudulent deeds.

Monaco said that the newly elected US President Donald Trump’s transition team was also interested in knowing the results of the Obama ordered a probe and were keeping their fingers crossed in a hope for the best.

The newly elected US President Donald Trump will take the White House Office on an official note on January 20, 2017.

More details will be updated shortly!

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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