Quantum Physics is said to make hacking impossible

Cybersecurity- Insiders

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Mathematical Sciences have developed a new security identification that authenticates whether we are communicating with the right person based on their precise geographical location.

Authenticating a user based on their geographical location is called the science of quantum encryption and will help banking customers when a representative from the bank calls them to help change their account on a respective note.

The location data of that person is stored in a single quantum bit called Qubit and that is followed by the usual bits comprising ones and zeroes. As both bits communicate with each other in a highly encrypted mode, it is almost impossible for hackers to read, intercept or make changes to the communication.

However, until a hacker gets hold of a quantum computer and tries to intercept a quantum physics-based communication, the communication will remain foolproof.

As only a single quantum bit is needed to confirm a geographical location authentication, it is easy to put such technology readily into use even today.

But adoption of it by companies will need a lot of time as the newly invented tech needs to be developed on a commercial note.

NOTE 1- Quantum Mechanics, also called Quantum Physics, is a study of the behavior of particles such as atoms, photons, electrons, and other molecular structures. It all started at the beginning of the 20th century when a few scientists from the west explored the theory of relativity predicted by Albert Einstein.

NOTE 2-Such type of service will assist the banking sector a lot, as they are always being pestered by sophisticated tactics of cybercriminals.

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Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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