INTERPOL, a globally recognized crime-fighting agency has teamed up with Cybersecurity firm to declare the WannaCry 3rd anniversary as the ‘Anti-Ransomware Day’.
On May 12th, 2017, hackers suspected to be from North Korea launched a ransomware attack on the hospital networks of NHS and across the world disrupting operations of more than 300,000 computers worldwide.
Interpol likes to create awareness in the world by celebrating the day from next year as the Anti-Ransomware Day where it will encourage organizations operating across the world to re-assess their Cybersecurity posture and see that their data continuity plans are working efficiently.
Meanwhile, Denmark based Agro Business Company named ‘Danish Agro’ says that it was targeted by a ransomware attack on April 19 of this year. The company is in no mood of entertaining the ransomware demands and might rely on the backups to bring back its data continuity to normalcy.
Danish Agro released a press statement that a portion of IT systems was affected by the cyber incident. But as the servers did not belong to feed factories, ordering, and logistics, the business was still operating normally.
BTW, Danish Agro is a cooperative company owned by over 12,000 farmers and is headquartered in Karise South of Copenhagen, Denmark. It is planning to rejig its Cybersecurity posture with new hardware and software capabilities to thwart attacks of any range in the coming years.
The third news related to ransomware is about Texas Courts which had to shut down their website and systems due to a malware attack that took place on Friday last week. Office of Court Administration (OCA) declared that a group of hackers has taken a portion of data as a hostage until a ransom is paid. But the officials are in no mood to bow down to the demands of hackers and have started to rely on backups to restore the services.
Information Technology services related to Texas Appellate Courts and State Judicial Agencies including Texas Court Websites were reportedly hit by the ransomware attack initiating the authorities to inform the law enforcement about the security breach.
OCA has assured that no personal info was compromised in the attack and so the severity could be compounded.
Furthermore, UK based outsourcing company Interserve is hitting the news headlines for becoming a victim of the cyber attack earlier this month. The company which has built Birmingham’s Nightingale Hospital to skill said in a press statement yesterday that its IT staff is busy guestimating the impact of the cyber incident on the services offered by the company. Although, no official statement is out in this regard, a company source hints that the Interserve could have become a victim of a file-encrypting malware attack.