Russia which is being led by Vladimir Putin for the 4th time has announced that it has almost completed the creation of an alternative to “Domain Name System” AKA DNS. In technical terms, DNS is nothing but a phone book which converts numerical IP addresses into readable text like Facebook.com and Youtube.com.
The implementation date of the new DNS is yet to be known. But sources reporting to Cybersecurity Insiders say that the new internet exclusive designed for Russian online users will be ready by October 2018.
Putin has already clarified to the world in November last year that the new internet is being devised to protect the security and online sanctity of those using web services from the Russian Federation and to protect the users from the Western Country manipulation and monopolization of internet services.
Speaking from the Russian Security Council last year Putin also announced that his country’s independent internet infrastructure can also be used by the members of BRICS (Brazil, India, China and South Africa).
But experts say that the new web interface will lead to “Balkanization” of a global network. Moreover, some security experts from Britain’s GCHQ say that the new DNS system can be used by Russia as a backup and to threaten the world with more cyber invasions. Also, a new DNS system means impeding experts from tracking down hackers, fake news spreaders, and state-sponsored actors.
Note- Balkanization means dividing or fragmenting the internet services into smaller mutually hostile usable regions.
Coming to BRICS joining hands with Russia, China already has a ‘Great Firewall’ in place which it tracks down all the online activity of its 731 million web users at a premium- all in the name of securing China’s cyber sovereignty. Thus, will it oblige the request of Russia remains a big question which only time can answer?
On the other hand, Brazil and South Africa might not like the idea of using Russia’s DNS as it doesn’t want to get into the bad books of countries like the US and UK.
When it comes to India which is still a developing nation due to its Democratic rule governed by two big national political parties, it might not show interest at all due to its trade commitments with US and UK.
So, Russia might have to survive alone with its separate internet and might even face sanctions from the western countries as its new DNS concept looks more vicious to others than doing good to its own nation populace.
More details on how the Russian DNS Server implementation will be done and how it would separate itself from the current 13 root DNS servers operating in the world will be updated shortly.