Sigrun Ransomware victims from Russia are said to be receiving a decryption key for free. The reason, they hail from the Vladimir Putin led country and so can walk away with a decryption key by not paying a ransom of $2,500 worth of Bitcoins.
For others who have been affected by the said ransomware, they need to pay the above-said sum in Bitcoins or Dash. Otherwise, their encrypted data will be auctioned on the internet for a sum equivalent to the demanded ransom.
On digging the past, there have been many such instances where ransomware authors have purposely avoided gaining ransom from Russian Citizens. And that’s because they hail from the same nation, and usually, malware authors from the said country do not charge their own populace- due to sheer patriotism or else with a thinking that their country’s law enforcement will never interfere in their ransomware spreading affairs if they target victims from other countries.
All these details about the incident were first reported by Alex Svirid, an independent security researcher who is known for analyzing ransomware and its exploitable vulnerabilities.
According to a source from Bleeping Computer, you can wisely protect yourself from being a Sigrun Ransomware victim by following the below steps-
• As usual have a backup plan in place which is reliable, efficient and executable.
• Keep your PC or server loaded with a security software which can detect ransomware encryption in advance. Malwarebytes can prove handy in this situation.
• Never open attachments if they are suspicious or do not relate to the sender in any way
• Using tools to scan docs and files sent via email will be a great option to isolate your PC or network from ransomware attacks
• Keep your PC or Server updated with the latest security updates
• Use an Alphanumeric password topped with special characters.
• And never ever use the same password to access multiple web services like on social media websites like Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn