Leading smartphone maker Samsung Electronics has hired Terry Halvorsen—a former executive of US Defense as an Executive Vice President(VP) of Samsung Electronics Mobile Security division.
The hiring was made for two main purposes- First to serve as an advisory to Shin Jong Kyun, the CEO of Samsung IT and Mobile communication division. Secondly, to take the help of the newly appointed VP to secure a partnership with government and military agencies.
We all know that Samsung has been supplying Galaxy smartphones fitted with KNOX Mobile security feature to Department of Defense since 2014.
Note- KNOX is mobile security feature supplied in some of the high-end smartphones by Samsung. It helps to securely separate personal data with professional info and helps in keeping apps such as a browser, contacts, emails and others isolated from hackers and other cyber threats. It is available as an ICON feature in menu tab and can be used to switch between personal and professional use. One of the highlights of KNOX is that it has an alarm system which sets off an ‘e-fuse’ in case a hacker or a bad guy tries to take over the device using a rooting or malicious software.
Halvorsen retired from the US Department of Defense in February this year and is expected to improve the presence of Samsung in network security segment in US and Europe as a new appointee.
In future, Samsung wants to stand out in the smartphone segment with its own unique features. So, it’s not only improving the hardware but is set to introduce an IRIS scanner and fingerprint sensor to bolster the feature of mobile security for users of Samsung Galaxy S8.
More details will be updated shortly.