From past couple of weeks, Hackers group called Anonymous has targeted institutions working for Spanish Government with Catalonia Cyber Attacks. The group announced yesterday that it was launching attacks on government-owned websites in retaliation to the ongoing Catalan Independence Crisis.
The online activist’s group has launched “Operation Catalonia” attacks in October first week on a number of state-owned websites. The latest attack targeted the website of Royal House after which the activist’s group made an official announcement that they are disrupting the networks in retaliation to the crisis related to Catalan Independence.
The websites related to the Constitutional Court, Ministry of Public Works, and Transport were also targeted with a banner displaying “Free Catalonia”
Anonymous hacking group said that their next attack will take place on the website owned by the Spanish Police, who were filmed brutally attacking Catalans with batons and pepper spray the other day.
Hackers posted a video on this issue on one of their twitter accounts and warned that the crisis could deepen by this month end.
Note- Catalonians are asking for independence and also a separate state in Spain. The 2.8 million populations of Catalonians have expressed their desire through ballot vote which has led to a constitutional crisis lacking the support of Madrid from the beginning.
Anonymous hackers group has offered their support to Catalonians and so are launching cyber attacks campaigns on Spanish government in a hope that the online protest will lead to the free-up of the region. The Twitter accounts owned by Anonymous are buzzing with the feeds on this issue.