FBI to act tough on Australian teenager who broke into Apple Mainframe Servers
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has finally decided to take stringent action against a teenager who has managed to hack into the mainframe network of Apple Inc, several times in the past year and succeeded in downloading over 90GB of data along with the data access to several customer accounts. Sources reporting to […]
Apple makes iOS 12 Mobile Security Impeccable
Apple is said to position its next version of the operating system at a peak when it comes to mobile security. Apple iOS 12 which is said to make its debut this fall is touted as the most secure and safe operating system platform released by the Cupertino giant till date. Firstly, the iOS 12 […]
Apple aims to restore Mobile Security Trust among its software users
Apple Inc, an American Technology giant renowned for its iPhone series produce has decided to restore ‘Mobile Security Trust’ among its software users in coming years. The aim is to deliver quality software and win back the confidence of its device users who in recent times were bogged down when the company captured headlines for […]
Apple Employees leaking secret info could face 5 years jail term
Apple Inc, the iPhone making giant has reminded its employees of the consequences of leaking secret info meant for internal references. The company issued a memo saying that all those caught in leaking the company’s product info to media resources will be heavily fined and could also face a 5-year jail term. Since, 2017, Apple […]
New Apple iOS Camera Bug raises Mobile Security concerns
Apple Inc, an American Multinational Technology company renowned for its iPhone series is back in the news; but for all wrong reasons. A new Apple iOS Camera bug is found to be fooling the users by making them visit a malicious website. Security researchers from Infosec found the bug and are said to have reported […]
Leaked iOS source code could spell trouble for Apple Inc.
An anonymous hacker has posted an iOS source code on a Github triggering concerns that almost all iPhones of Apple Inc are vulnerable to hackers. But the technology giant says that the code belongs to outdated iOS 9 software that wouldn’t affect users running newer versions of Apple software. But the skilled hacker named ‘Zioshiba’ […]
Apple, Cisco, Allianz, and Aon offer protection to companies vulnerable to Cyber Attacks!
American Technology Giants Apple, Allianz, Cisco, and Aon have launched a holistic cybersecurity solution which offers a combination of cyber insurance coverage, resilience evaluation, and secure technology to businesses vulnerable to ransomware attacks. Announcing early this week, Apple stated that its new solution will offer customers an access to response team services such as insurance […]
Intel Processors are suffering from a serious Chip Level Security Flaw
Intel Processors are said to be suffering from a serious chip-level security flaw which isn’t that easy to fix. And as per a post published in ‘The Register’, the fix must come from the OS level and when available could easily hit the overall performance of the processor. As per the report, the bug seems […]